Recibir y callar la confesión de un crimen pasional nos vuelve su cómplice? ¿Podemos escapar al peso del pasado? ¿Somos los protagonistas de nuestro destino o simples comparsas? Esta y otras preguntas nos plantea Héctor Aguilar Camín en esta emblemática novela de elecciones extremas. Después del éxito de Adiós a los padres, la celebrada novela autobiográfica de Héctor Aguilar Camín, Toda la vida marca su regreso a la ficción en estado puro donde las palabras trabajan al servicio de una perturbadora historia de amor, celos y poder que no dejará indiferente a ningún lector.
Embark on a spiritual journey with Jesus and find out more about who he is and how he wants you to live! With both realism and inspiration, Furtick takes a compelling look at Jesus’ last words and reveals a model for following Christ that leads to victory over life’s trials and setbacks. Pocket book.
The true story of how a well-known writer’s fight against mood swings led her to try a remedy as drastic as it is forbidden: microdose of LSD. His revealing and fascinating journey offers a window into a family and the complex world of a once-infamous drug seen through new eyes.
The sky is dark with wings. . . . Like sand in an hourglass, time is running out for Luce and Daniel. To stop Lucifer from erasing the past, they must find the place where the angels fell to earth. Dark forces are after them, and Daniel doesn’t know if he can do this—live only to lose Luce again and again. Yet together they will face an epic battle that will end with lifeless bodies . . . and angel dust. Great sacrifices are made. Hearts are destroyed. And suddenly Luce knows what must happen. For she was meant to be with someone other than Daniel. The curse they’ve borne has always and only been about her—and the love she cast aside. The choice she makes now will be the only one that truly matters. In the fight for Luce, who will win? The astonishing conclusion to the Fallen series. Heaven can’t wait any longer.
When unworldly student Anastasia Steele first encountered the driven and dazzling young entrepreneur Christian Grey it sparked a sensual affair that changed both of their lives irrevocably. Shocked, intrigued, and, ultimately, repelled by Christian’s singular erotic tastes, Ana demands a deeper commitment. Determined to keep her, Christian agrees.
Es La Tercera Parte De La Trilogía. Es Primavera Y La Vida De Liv, Henry Y Grayson Ha Vuelto A La Normalidad. Liv Y Henry Vuelven A Salir Juntos, Jason Está En Francia, Anabel Ha Salido Del Manicomio, Y Arthur Sigue Fuera Del Grupo De Amigos Desde Que Intentó Matar A Liv. Pero Un Día Empiezan Los Problemas. Liv Le Ha Mentido A Su Novio Henry. Se Ha Inventado Un Ex Novio, Rasmus, Para Hacerle Creer Que Ha Tenido Experiencias Sexuales Anteriores. Pero No Es Verdad Y Ahora No Sabe Como Salir De Esta Mentira.