Mary Shelley (1797 – 1851) published “Frankenstein” at the tender age of 20 years old. The novel was born out of a bet between friends, at Lord Byron’s residence by Lake Geneva in 1816, on who could write the best horror story. Mary, flaunting her fertile imagination and overpowering intellect, composed an immortal tale that won praise from her competitors and would eventually become her first novel, to the delight of readers all over the world for more than two hundred years. Frankenstein narrates the vicissitudes of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein and the monster he brought to life with his experiments
EL INMORTAL CLÇSICO DE MARY SHELLEY SE UNE A NUESTRO CATÇLOGO MANGA ¿Quien no ha oído hablar de Frankenstein? O más concretamente, del monstruo que su genio loco creó. En esta adaptación del clásico de la literatura romántica y de terror seguimos los pasos de Víctor Frankenstein, cuyo interes en las ciencias naturales le llevan a intentar el experimento más prohibido: crear un ser vivo. Pero cuando lo logra, lo abandona…